Julius B

Julius B

DE  24 years old
I'm 19 years old. Living about 30km away from Stuttgart in South-West Germany. Still at school. Life here is sometimes pretty exhausting and complicated. So sometimes it is just the right thing to jump into adventures.


June 2019

From: Rechberghausen, Germany 375m MASL To: Lünersee, Austria 1970m MASL ca. 740km --> <-- *Simson S51 B1-4* (50ccm, 4 gear, two Stroke Mokick, 1981) *Simson KR51/2E* (50ccm, 4 gear, two Stroke Mokick, 1982) my brother an I plan our first "Brüder Tour" on two old Mokicks that we fix for the tour at the moment... The tour is not very long but 740km on two more or less crappy motorbikes... everything can happen🔥